Giving Back

Serving Others is in our DNA

We believe that no matter how much wealth we accumulate, we each have an opportunity to make the world a better place. And we’re blessed to be a part of life-changing activities with our clients and our communities. From working with neighborhood schools to providing humanitarian aid abroad, we’re making a difference — and we invite you to join us.


Effective Ministries, Inc.

Michael Thaler, the co-founder of Equity Concepts, founded Effective Ministries (EMI), an international nonprofit that works to improve the physical and spiritual lives of the communities in Niger, Africa. The organization works to enact change in the following five focus areas: health, water, orphans, education and micro-business. EMI shares a building with Equity Concepts, and many of the wealth managers and staff at Equity Concepts are involved in EMI’s various efforts both locally and in Niger. EMI has four main areas of emphases: LINK Missions, Schools for Niger, Africa, LiveTen24 and the Robinson Theater.


LINK Missions

LINK Missions exists to provide mission opportunities for people to personally experience God through traveling to Niger with a team. Functioning under the umbrella organization of Effective Ministries, LINK Missions has sent 118 teams consisting of over 1,282 travelers from 258 churches in 33 states and two countries to Niger, Africa.


Schools for Niger, Africa

Schools for Niger, Africa aims to build schools to provide affordable Christian education for children and families. Over 50% of the population in Niger, Africa is under the age of 15, but the literacy rate is only 18%. The schools that are being built now have seen a 98-100% success rate in comprehensive testing for over 5,400 students. Since November 2005, they have helped to build or assist 17 schools educating 7,528 students.



LiveTen24 is passionate about impacting the lives of Nigerians through lifelong commitments and ongoing partnerships in Niger, Africa. In order to do this, LiveTen24 focuses on the five areas of health, water, orphan care, education and microbusiness, and partners with existing organizations in Niger who are working towards these goals. Since 2011, LiveTen24 has 1,773 memberships funding 62 Nigerian partner ministries with 666 projects completed in Niger. By giving $10.24 each month, 100% of each member's donation goes towards changing lives in Niger.


Robinson Theater

Robinson Theater is a multi-purpose facility that seeks to inspire, encourage and restore healthy community life to the residents of North Church Hill. In 2008, through the support of Effective Ministries, the theatre was restored to its historical roots, and now serves as a gathering place for dance, drama, music, Saturday matinees, community meetings, receptions, recitals and other community events.


Invest with Others Charitable Foundation

Michael Thaler was awarded the Global Community Impact Award in September 2017 by the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation for his work and dedication in Niger, Africa through Effective Ministries, Inc. The Global Impact Award is presented to a financial advisor annually who has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to a community in another country. This award recognizes advisors who have actively served as a volunteer for at least three years with a charity whose primary mission is to help those living outside the United States.


Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement prepares young people to succeed in a global economy by equipping them with an understanding of economics and business concepts. Their programs help young students to develop successful financial management habits, empower them to explore the potential of becoming an entrepreneur, and provide skills that they can turn into action.


Young Audiences

Young Audiences of Virginia is a nonprofit group supporting arts in our schools and brings teams like Illstyle & Peace Productions to underprivileged schools in the Richmond area. In the past few years, Illstyle & Peace Productions has put on a hip-hop dance and math program to demonstrate basic math concepts using hip-hop dance to evoke interest in looking at math in a new light.


Evergreen Cemetery

Evergreen Cemetery is a historic African-American cemetery in the east end of Richmond. It’s 60 acres of land that was founded in 1891 by leaders of Richmond’s African American community, but has since been overgrown and gone into serious disrepair. Among those who rest here are such luminaries as Maggie L. Walker, John Mitchell, Jr., Dr. Sarah Garland Boyd Jones, and Rev. J. Andrew Bowler. We love partnering with Enrichmond Foundation to volunteer at Community Serve Days (along with staff, advisors, clients and their families). At these events, we clear overgrowth and debris from pathways and grave markers, or whatever else they need, and get to hear all the amazing stories about the work being done.

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