"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."
Robert Byrne
It’s our mission to help you live with purpose, both now and through retirement. Whether it’s never missing a grandchild’s birthday, discovering the wonders of world travel, serving your community or simply soaking up the sun in the comfort of your backyard, we want to help you live with purpose, starting now.
Without a plan, it is challenging to pursue your dreams. Here at Equity Concepts, we position our clients so they are free to live out their purpose without having to worry about running out of money.
That’s the value of positioning.

Discovering and clarifying your purpose can be challenging. We can help. Set up a time to talk with one of our team members.
In addition, here are some self-discovery resources:
- If you want to watch a TED Talk: “Start with Why” TED Talk by Simon Sinek
- If you want to watch a movie (1 hour and 21 minutes): “Mully,” https://mullymovie.com
- If you like reading: “Love Does,” by Bob Goff, https://www.amazon.com/Love- Does-Discover-Secretly-Incredible/dp/1400203759
- In order to discover your personal life mission statement: https://tommythompson.typeform.com/to/UB3gpQ?name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx