Wendy Hicks serves as an Account Manager with the Legacy Team to help them serve their clients and oversee their processing. She began her career in financial services in 1980 with the brokerage firm of Thompson McKinnon Securities when she relocated from upstate New York. She joined Alex Paoletto’s practice in 1989 and became his right-hand woman in assisting him in managing account transactions, establishing relationships with clients, and supervising all operational aspects of the business. She joined Equity Concept’s centralized account management team in 2020 helping all advisor teams service their clients and transition in new business. Wendy believes that meticulous and timely attention to detail is crucial in assuring that clients’ assets are handled reliably and accurately. Wendy enjoys traveling to the Caribbean and experiencing new destinations with her partner, Eric. She also enjoys spending time with family.
To learn more about Wendy’s team, The Legacy Team, you can visit www.legacyteamadvisors.com